Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here's to you Miss. Robinson

Does age matter?

This is a question I've been contemplating in the days following my most recent "break up" (we weren't in an offical relationship, but nevertheless we are broken, much to my dismay) followed by an equally disatorous stint at dating my best friend (neither one of us is ready to try that). Encouraged by my drinking buddy Scumbag* (aptly named for his treatment of the cast of women he dates), I cast the proverbial line into the dating pool at

I met plenty of jerks who were more interested in the size of my breasts than my personality, or, in one rather memorable case, the size of my bank account. From all of these replies it became quite clear that they hadn't read the profile I spent several drunken hours creating.

Then a guy named Jake* emailed me asking me to explain my username (ArabianMagic--> I own an Arabian horse named Magic). From that conversation, he asked about the specifics of the equestrian sport I prefer (dressage). The emails quickly snowballed into sharing phone numbers. During our conversation, he said that he never expected me contact him, given his age.

Wait, what?

A closer glance revealed that he was older. much older. 41. While it's not as old as Strom Thurman or my father, it's definitley older than the guys I've dated in the past. My highest has only been 5 years older. 18 years older is definitley uncharted territory for me.

Society has long glorified relationships (often purely sexual) between younger men and older women: Mrs. Robinson & Benjamin, Demi & Ashton, Smith and Samantha from Sex and the City. Scumbag himself highly extolls the virtues of dating a "Cougar," though his particular breed of Cougar often include women wearing wedding bands and avoiding their husbands. Dr. Tina B. Tessina explains the column "What's Behind the Trend with Women Dating Younger Men?" that "Socially, there's a role reversal of sorts going on, women are more powerful now than ever before and may want men who are younger, and perhaps, more flexible; men who can handle it if the woman's career and lifestyle takes priority over their own. Media portrayals in "Sex and the City" (like movie characters Smith Jerrod and Samantha Jones) and "Desperate Housewives" are also showing women that dates don't have to be older. Women who have high-powered careers -- or a well-developed self-image -- are exercising more choice. Women who have been divorced and are established single moms may enjoy having a playmate, someone to have fun with; who doesn't try to control her."

A Google search of older men- younger women turned up images of Hugh Heffner and his playmates, and websites advising that such realtionships do not work. Still others declared the only possible reason that a younger woman and an older man would get together must be that she is looking for financial security, and he is looking for sex.

Does that always have to be the case?

In this instance, I'm mentally attracted to Jake* because he is mature, easy to converse with, and hasn't once asked me what color my nipples are unlike some of his younger counterparts on He has complimented my beauty without being oversexual, rather refreshing these days. I've dated men younger than me (my ex-fiance was 3 years my junior) and about my age and found them to be mentally about ten years younger than me. I'm a 23-year old with a BA, a career, and working on my Master's degree. Most guys my age have difficulty commiting to what color boxers they are wearing tomorrow let alone an actual career or Godforbid, a wife.

We're going out to a restaurant on Friday.

Wish me luck, dear Reader.

Food for comment: Have you dated anyone older than you? How did it turn out?

*name changed to protect the innocent


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just found your blog on 20SB.
My boyfriend is 10 years older than me (I'm 23, he's 33) and we have been together for over a year. He was one of my closest friends and then it developed into more. After 4 years in a relationship with a guy who was the same age as me, I will say that the best thing about dating an older guy is that he (usually) knows exactly what he wants and is less likely to change or play games. I love my boyfriend for the stability and maturity he brings to my he's a young soul so we fit together really well.
Good Luck and I'll be following the blog!
Camile @

Rachelle said...

I married someone 17 years older than me. The marriage lasted four years and in the end, the age difference seemed to be the underlying issue. We were from different generations. Now at 45 I'm SO glad I'm not in that marriage anymore. My ex-husband is 62 and the lifestyle of a 62 year old is so different from mine! I've been married 13 years to a guy exactly my age and I'm so happy.

Pamela - you left a comment on my blog with a blurb about Catholic guilt. Please email me! Thanks. Rachelle [at] Wordserveliterary [dot] com.

Fay said...

First of all good luck! I hope that it turns out fun and meets your expectations.

I haven't started dating yet but I think that I'd be more attracted to older guys. Don't ask me why lol but I just think that I am. Although anything over 15 years I'd be hesitant about.

Good luck and can't wait to hear how it went.