Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A thought

To my Lovelies:

Yes, I'm talking to you, the Readers that exist to me as wonderful, advice giving poetic bloggers. After I posted Above the Knee, several of you requested that I begin posting more of my fiction and nonfiction. I was wondering if anyone would be interested if I began posting my work to Google Docs, and linking to it in this blog. I'm sincerely interested in honest, constructive feedback from you all, since readers like you are the intended audience for the book I am working on, tentatively titled Catholic Guilt.



Twinsie said...

Yes, post them!!! I can't read them right now, but if you keep posting come May when I'm home on Mat. leave I'll have plenty of time to read and critique while nursing the kiddo.

michelle said...

yes, please :)

ps - i like the working book title

Anonymous said...
