Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aunt Flo's late arrival


I woke up this morning to find Aunt Flo knocking on my door.

I really think it was stress. And several things happened yesterday that made me much less stressed.

1. After avoiding the scale for two weeks, I went back. Apache and I had gone out almost every night of the ten days he was home, and I was drunk for several of those nights off of high calorie drinks (IE: martinis & Grateful Deads). I stripped down to thin nylon shorts and a tank top with a shelf bra, and gingerly stepped on the scale. I lost 1.4. HOLY CRAP! I'm thinking that it was all the "activity" I did *evil grin* (hence the pregnancy paranoia-- seriously,  I counted. We had sex 27 times in 10 days. And if I had actually jumped him in his sister's guest bathroom, in my car after Ihop, and at the Armoury like I was thinking of, it could have been 30. Apparently, he was thinking the same thing too.. *evil grin again*)

2. I got to talk to Apache last night on the phone. He and I have been texting back and forth, obviously, but when he arrived at  Fort Polk, he said that he probably wouldn't be able to talk to me every day because there is horrendous service down there, and he is sleeping in a tent, so outlets to charge his cell are scarce. So imagine my surprise last night when I awoke to a phone call from him *awwww* it was nice to hear his voice because I can tell just how he is from the tone of his voice.  Soo...needless to say I went to bed rather happy.

3. I had dinner last night with Dawson who is a veteran of the Iraqi War. We talked alot about my fears of Apache going over to Afghanistan. He eased my fears in some respects, and help me brainstorm things to send him in care packages. As he said it doesn't really matter what I put in the packages and letters as long as I send them, because there is no better feeling for a soldier to be able to go to the mail room and pick up something knowing someone cared enough at home to send them a package. So, my first package to him will be for valentine's day--I'm going to send him some sheets (that I already slept on so he can smell my scent) and a mattress pad plus a few treats and a few sexy things (he loves Wicked Weasel panties-- not for him to wear, obviously), like a Love Ewe.   And the next one will be for his birthday. I'll probably end up sending him some party decorations, some silly toys, etc. I guess apparently the sillier the stuff you send them the better.

Dawson also "volunteered" to take sexy pictures of me. He's my best friend, I trust him with my life, and I know Apache would be okay with that since they are really good friends.  So, I'm going to work hard on losing the weight, and take some of those after he comes home for R&R in April.

Any suggestions for care packages?


Steph said...

Magazines, snack foods (my hubby's fav was the preseasoned tuna in the packages), anything that's a symbol of you. I'm native american, so I sent Ryan a dreamcatcher I made, for his rack. I sent Ryan a lot of white t-shirts, he went through a lot of those. One deployment I sent him a video of me talking, almost like a vlog.

Anonymous said...

Damn girl! That's alot of gettin' down! I am super jealous as it has been like 5 months for me...
You and Apache are too sweet! :) Pics of you sounds like a great idea and I like Steph's idea of a video. You could also get those cards where you can record your voice sending a message. Love those!
Oh and my cousin who is over there said those crystal light and gatorade individual powder things to put in your water bottle were all he wanted.

michelle said...

#1 lol that's my FAVORITE activity. too bad it counts for less as i lose :p yay for not being pregnant right now

can you send food in the care packages? homemade treats or favorite snacks are always good for care packages :)