Friday, January 29, 2010

Caught in red tape

Had my board hearing on Wednesday, and I've finally cooled down to the point where I feel I can rationally comment about on it.

Verdict: 2 of the 5 1/2 days I took will be counted as personal days. The other 3 1/2 are considered unpaid days. I have to give a professional development presentation. That applies for this year. Next year, I have to take all 5 days unpaid, but I won't be considered "insubordinate" if I attend school.

Seriously, I am so frustrated by this verdict. I'm not taking time off as "mental health days" or to vacation in Tahiti the way some of my coworkers do.I am working on furthering my education in order to directly benefit the work I do here as a teacher.

My paycheck, for two full weeks, was $161, since they have yet to reimburse me for those 2 days I was awarded. So now I have to make do with $161 even though I have so many bills to pay including scraping up the money somewhere to pay board when Magic moves to his new barn on Sunday.

Thank God I moved in with my parents, and hopefully I can start to bounce back from this financially in the next few months. I'm really trying to pay my credit cards off because my balance started to skyrocket after Trevor lost his job for the tenth time. Just feel like I can't catch up or catch a break even though I'm not longer paying rent or utilities.


Sara Strand said...

Holy shit- that sucks. Why did they decide that? Do you just have a school board of ultimate assholes??? Dang girl- I feel for you! It's times like this that if I were you, I'd demand $$ back from Trevor!

Eryn said... I don't even know what else to say about it and if I were in your position I would definitley be pissed. I also would be asking trevor for my money back but I don't know what you guy's situation and all that was so I can understand you have your reasons you wouldnt

Anonymous said...

Oh honey! That is not cool. I don't understand how they are allowed to do that. I thought that "personal days" were just that, personal. You shouldn't have to give an explanation. At least that's how it works down here. *Hugs* I hope the $ situation works out!

michelle said...

sorry to hear about the crappy ruling :( and good luck with the money stuff