Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's a small world after all

There's a theory out there that if a person is one step away from each person they know, and two steps away from each person who is known by the people they know, then everyone is, at most, 6 steps away from anyone on earth. Also, known as six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

I met Trevor at a party. He was there with his cousin Jeff, his cousin's girlfriend, and this girl--let's call her Amy. I thought Trevor and Amy were together.. turns out they had just met that night. Trevor "took one for the team" and called me the next day. We were together from that day on.

Amy, as you can understand, was not too happy about this. Trevor and I would run into her at different places around town. It's a small town, there's not alot of places people our age hang. At one point, she accused me of "stalking" her (she was working at Blockbuster's).

Fast forward three years.  I start coached middle school softball this past spring and one of the parents helped me coach. I had her daughter, Lela, in two of my classes. Lela's mom friended me on facebook today. When I was looking through her profile, I noticed something. She has an older daughter: Amy.



Anonymous said...

Wow! When stuff like that happens it always amazes me. The other day a student walks up to me in the media center and says, "I think you know my sister's boyfriend". I was all confused and then she explains that her big sister who is my age dates this guy I pseudo dated one summer and am still friends with. Weird!

Unknown said...

That's crazy!! It really is a small world!!

It's also crazy when you really look at the "Mutual friends" box. About three times now I've seen that someone from one part of my life knows someone in a completely different part of my life. So weird.


P said...

So many coincidences have happened to me recently in terms of people i know knowing other people I know, that these things almost never surprise me anymore...