Thursday, September 24, 2009

Because You Earned It,,,,

My school has Character Counts days each month in which we discuss and do activities related to the "Pillars" of Good Character. Tomorrow's theme is "Responsibility." While doing an online search, I came across this video. The sportmanship and responsibility to one's fellow man is astounding. I suggest everyone watch it and ask themselves what would you do in this situation?


Twinsie said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! We used to do the Character Counts program at the camp I worked at!!! Our director event got rubber band bracelets made in the colors corresponding to the attributes and we'd have a big ceremony each week to give out the bracelets to kids who went out of their way to exemplify the trait. <3 I misssssssss summer camp *sniff*

Amy said...

That was a great video. I'm glad I found your blog, and I'm glad you posted this. That story made me smile :]