Thursday, November 12, 2009

skydiving injuries

So, Doc is STILL in the hospital to be monitored for pneumnoia (or so he told me..) Last night, he let it slip the REAL reason that he's been in the hospital since Saturday.

He has a punctured lung and infected chest cavity.

Doc went skydiving at the beginning of September for his bachelor's party (for the wedding that got called off minutes before the ceremony)... and cracked a few ribs. Since he's had a nasty cold for the entire month of October, one of those ribs broke and scratched his lung. The scratch turned into a tear which is infected. A specialist came and saw him last night, and I was told via text at 1 am that the infection "is worse than they orginally thought." What that exactly means, I'm not sure. I was asleep for that text.

So, he's still in the hospital being monitored... And he doesn't seem to want me to visit, I think because he doesn't want me to worry any more than I am already...


Sara Strand said...

Well now I kind of want to know how he broke ribs skydiving because I am going skydiving next summer, and anyone who's around me does not want to hear me whine about broken ribs. If I could just skip the injury part that'd be super. :)

michelle said...

:( thats awful, but at least he's getting proper medical attention now. i have mixed feelings about visiting people in the hospital. my handful of visits have included more ICU/ER trips so i always get freaked out. still it might be nice to see a friendly face during visitors hours (even if he's giving you the impression that he's doing fine) :)

Liv said...

I really hope he feels better =(

That's a rough injury to deal with.