Tuesday, November 17, 2009

trouble in paradise?

I haven't talked to Ben since Sunday night. Saturday night we were fine-- we had a rather, ahem, stimulating text message convo. He's out of the hospital on Saturday and has been staying with a friend to make sure that he does not have to go back into the hospital.

Sunday, he didn't text me all day, and I finally texted him on my way to the gym. He said that he had been sleeping all day. I apologized for bothering him, and his response was , "Hun, you never bother me."

And that's all I've gotten from him. No usual text in yesterday morning, or today for that matter. This is not like him. at all. His texts were like clock work.

I'm fucking nervous. That's all I can say. nervous. There's no reason for him to be mad at me. We've barely been together because of his illness-- could that be the problem? Is he back in the hospital? Has he lost interest?



Erica said...

He's your "exclusive boyfriend" right? Why not just ... call him? See if you can bring him anything, ask him how is day is going.

This isn't rocket science. He is supposed to be an equal partner, not a mythical unicorn.

Sara Strand said...

Yah- I hate texts, so much is lost in them. I would say call, and I would say, "I'm coming to visit you- what day works for you?". :) Good luck!

michelle said...

with the crazy lung infection, it's more likely that he's super drained and spacey than anything else. if he was prescribed any meds to take home, those may have also knocked him out. i agree that you should give him a buzz :) he may not be up for any "activities", but that doesnt prevent some cuddling

Manicured Teacher said...

I agree, Call him! He's supposed to be your boyfriend. I think he is probably just tired and drained, but you can be his bed buddy :)