Saturday, March 13, 2010

Commit to Be Fit

This is the end of week 2 on program and on exercise. This week I treated myself to an I Pod touch, which helps the time fly by. Since my ankle was feeling much better, I upped my exercise from 30 mins of walking to 30 mins of elliptical. Yeah, the elliptical kicks my ASS and I'm covered in sweat by the end of it all,  but I know its so worth it.

So, I totally went to weigh in today and except at least a lb. I was surprised to find out that I lost 0.2. That's right 2/10 of a lb.

Had I not done the program, I would have been sincerely upset. And it still does bother me. However, I know my body well enough to know that it takes at least two weeks of activity before I see results. I know that what I am doing is the best for me and my body. Even though I have not seen the results yet, I feel much better. I've been sleeping more fitfully and i have more energy these days.

So this week, I commit to tracking more closely and ramping up my activity level on the elliptical. Starting on Monday, I'll be doing 45 mins. To reward myself, I purchased a Barbie pink sports bra from Target. Yay!

What do you do to motivate yourself?


Cammy said...

Yay! Congrats on getting back to fitness!

I think you shouldn't weigh yourself but go more on how you feel and how your clothes fit. When I dropped 2 sizes, I only lost 5 pounds. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you loose fat but gain muscle and firmness, you may not loose that much weight. Also, give any new plan at least 6 months to show true results. A long time but sooo worth it!

Eryn said...

I was looking for a post like this to comment on and then you wrote one lol. My first 2 week i gained and was really upset but I'm glad my mom forced me to stick with it. Unfortunatley i suck at getting with the exercise part and ive barely lost any weight and yet now im kinda stuck, plus my food issues make things harder, im glad ur sticking with the plan and im sure the rewards help. I can't find any sports bras big enough for me lol and they all seem to give me crazy clevage, not good for working out...and now my comment is far to long lol

E said...

Just remember to begin with you may gain weight because you will actually be gaining muscle mass. But then the pounds should start to trip away. Also I gave you a blog award! Check out my blog

Aurora said...

@ Cammy- Thanks for the confidence boost!

@ Riley-- so glad that I wrote what you needed to hear. Let's inspire each other. I'm not sure what size you are, but I usually wear a sports bra over my regular bra to keep 'em contained!

@E- many thanks for the blog award!!! I hope that's what will happen when it comes to me!

Robin said...

I love your blog! I'm a new reader (thanks to your suggestion on my thread on 20sb), but relate with you completely. I'm a WW veteran and the thing that has helped me (lose 35 lbs!) was keep one of those brief year calendars (the kind you get from realtors) where you can see the whole year and each date. Every time i worked out I'd black out the day with a sharpie. For some reason, that simple visual helped me a TON - I'd want to look at my past weeks and months with all the blacked out dates and just push myself to fill my week with 4-5 more work outs. Good luck!!!

Aurora said...

Robin! I totally did this today! I printed out a mini 2010 calender and highlighted the days (that I can remember!) I worked out! Totally motivated myself to throw my gym pants on and head to the gym so I can color in the 19! Welcome to my blog! So glad you enjoy!