Monday, March 1, 2010

Stage 5 Clinger

"I got to get outta here, pronto. I got a stage five clinger. Stage five, virgin, clinger."
- Wedding Crashers

So I have this friend. a male friend. We're not going to mention any names or anything but you've heard about said male friend before.

Male friend, once a habitual monogamist, has discovered the wonderful world of casual dating since he believes that "playing with" women is much easier than falling for them since that has led to multiple heart breaks from women who use him and break his heart.

Male friend, however, lacks the skills and tact of a player. He's starting to become a little bit of a creep. Since I have a very high comfort level with him, I haven't noticed it, but my single, female friends who I've been spending time with these days have.

Case #1- MF and I were suppossed to go to a friend's birthday party then out to a club later on to meet up with my female friends, none of which MF had met before. He had briefly chatted with one of them, who he poached off my friend's list, via facebook that week earlier. I got quite sick, and decided not to go out. MF met up with my friends anyway.  He went onto FB, got this girl's cell #, posted in his FB status that he was meeting his "date" (now- he's never met this chick before), and as the story was relayed to me yesterday, he proceeded to give men the death stare if they got anywhere near her. Girl was none too amused, and as she told me, he was "acting like a stage 5 clinger."

I can believe that since, he has been systematically attempting to hook up with not only my female friends, but my exs' sisters.

Case #2- he comes out to the bar to meet up with Country. Eager to show off to Country, he takes his brandy new Chevy Silverado out to go do donuts and off road through a frozen hay field. He thinks he is impressing the ladies, but Country just thought he was stupid, especially since he did damage to his truck.

 I mean, both girls think he's really sweet, but that he's trying too hard to be someone he's not. And that's not attractive.


Sara Strand said...

Um--issues, hello? Have you tried sitting him down to tell him that yah- not cool. I would have to do that. I mean, it's funny for awhile but then it just gets to be sad to watch people be like that.

michelle said...

boo :( some guys are just meant to be in relationships. have you talked to him about his descent into creeperville? wouldn't want it to get any worse

michelle said...

ps - loving the new layout/background. it's very cute

Aurora said...

We've attempted to have that conversation. It totally didn't work. He accused me of being jealous. not caring about him. not understanding his needs. I'm sick of fighting with him about it, and I'm sick of my female friends complaining about it. I've tried to explain that he's going through a phase, but it gets back to him, and he takes it as I'm cockblocking him.


@Michelle- much love for the comments about the new blog layout. I love it!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

just fYI, I am in LOVE with your side bar of life to-dos, in fact i'm adding a couple to my life list ;)