Thursday, March 4, 2010

Close encounters of the ex kind

After my "grueling" workout at the gym with Minnie (I walked for 45 minutes. I wish I could run), I stood at the desk waiting for tanning. All of a sudden, Chase walks in.

I haven't seen Chase since our last encounter in September. I had purposely joined this new gym because it was not the one he was going to last time we talked. He's one of those toxic people I do my best to avoid. And yesterday, I had Chase-dar. Walking on the treadmill, I got the premonition that Chase could walk in the gym at any minute. And here he was, 24 hours later.

Of course, sweaty, in spandex yoga pants, no makeup, and at least 15 lbs heavier than the last time he saw me, was not the ideal way to run into your first boyfriend especially when you realize that the gym has transformed him from scrawny ghetto boy to muscular gym rat. I may not want to date or sleep with him, but a girl has some pride.

He said hi as he walked in. My face must have turned white because walking into the tanning booths, Minnie whispered, "God damn, who the fuck was that?"

"Chase, my ex. He's an asshole, but we dated on and off for a couple years." 

She turned to look appreciatively at his back as he flirted with the attendant at the counter.

"With a body like that, Aurora, he could be an asshole all he wants..."

Having Chase around the gym makes me very nervous for some reason. He now inspires the same chills up my spine that seeing a coiled rattlesnake in the grass gives me. I don't trust him in any way, shape, or form. 

The story is anticlimatic. He didn't say or do anything improper--just a quick hi and funny to see you here. He actually even deleted me off facebook  He just gives me the creeps. He's just one of those people I just as soon as forget, and I can't seem to avoid him.

Can anyone relate? 


Mr O said...

My ex of four years currently lives in the same town as me while we finish college. Did I mention she lives with her boyfriend?

I fear I'm going to run into her at Wal Mart, on campus... somewhere

Kayleigh Ryanne said...

hello?! LOL! both the ex's go to my gym and work together...thankfully on good terms with both. but I completley understand

Cammy said...

Oh wow, luckily I have never had this happen but I so understand how it would be really awkward. I have seen my ex drive by me several times. I have a different car now then when were together so he doesn't recognize me but it was still weird to him.

E said...

Uh stupid ex's! Awkward run in but sounds like it could have been worse! Just do your thing when at the gym and try to ignore him!