Sunday, March 7, 2010

An open letter

Dear Girl-I-thought-was-my-friend,

I went to your Celebrating Home party not because I have a home of my own, yet, to decorate, but because you asked me to go and bring my mom to cheer your mom up.

I bought $35 worth of stuff and booked a catalog party to help you get that metal booze  tub that you want so much.

You know about Apache, and the complicated situation therein, though you've never met him.

Before the party started and we were drinking Seamonsters, made with the Malibu I brought to the party, I was socializing with you friends--only one of whom I met before. One of your friends talked about how she was a masseuse, and I wondered aloud if she would do gift certificates. Maybe I could buy Apache a gift certificate for his birthday to redeem when he comes home on leave.

One girl, who I met before, says, "You guys are engaged right?" And before I have a chance to respond, you blurt out:

"No, because he's married! HAHAHAHA!"

Okay, way to make me look like an ass, a homewrecker, and a stupid slut in front of people I don't know. I'm not sure where you go the idea that that piece of information, while technically true, was a juicy tidbit you could tell everyone I just met, including a girl who is engaged to the biggest gossip this side of the Mississippi. You really think everyone at the firehouse is not going to find out about this?

You know full well that I had nothing to do with the end of their marriage. But that's not how you made it sound. You know full well that I'm not a mistress, and it's no sordid secret that we are together. His family knows and likes me. His wife (DogFace) is living with another man and has been for months now. She was the one who stepped out on that relationship with her infidelity, not him.

If you have a problem with him being married then you should have talked to me about it, like an adult. Not lampoon me in front of people I don't even know.


Sara Strand said... did you NOT throw down?? Jesus. Well first off, I would have smiled sweetly, and said "Yes- lucky for me his wife left him some time ago." or something snappier (it IS only 8am for me now... lol) Then I would have pulled her to side. Definitely. That kind of behavior should not be ignored and she needs to be put in her place.

And you know what? You be you. Don't let anybody get you down. Nobody ever really knows what's going on with the neighbor and so the gossip goes around, but at the end of the day, who cares? You know what's true. Your REAL friends know what's true. Fuck the rest. ;)

Mr O said...

Girl's a bitch that should have been punched in the face. End of story.

But is it that the pic you chose is kind of hot. Kind of made me lose focus that this is a bad story haha

Cammy said...

Oh wow, that is so not cool. On so many levels. I agree with Sara, move on and do not worry about her. She is obviously jealous. You and Apache have a great thing!

Christina said...

WOW! I so would have punched her or 'accidently' throw my drink on her!

As long as you are happy. I do want to say though I hope things are moving forward with his divorce!

E said...

Oh wow! I'm so sorry! Def bitch moment on her part. She totally threw you under the bus. I would have probably just stood there in shock!