Thursday, October 1, 2009

a dilemma

So, I'm moving...

Back to my parents...

Not old news to my faithful Readers....


Going through some things at my apartment today, I discovered Trevor's W-2s and tax returns. Obviously, he needs them, and I'm not going to throw them away. I'd like to mail them to him.

Here's the dilemma.  Should I

A) stuff them in an envelope, address it, and mail it.

B) do A, but include a post it note explaing that I found it.

C) Do A & include a longer note updating him on Magic (he hasn't been online in a month, so hasn't read my last email), and wishing him happy birthday? (it was Monday).

If C, what do I say?


PS: Trevor hasn't been on in a month, but his girlfriend has. He usually goes online at his gfs, so it makes me wonder if they aren't together anymore. I can't see her Myspace profile (it's private) so I can't check! (Yes, I know I'm a Myspace stalker).


Twinsie said...

A- but write your parents address as the return... and write it legibly so he'll know where to find you if he wants to contact you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I think (B). A quick note that maybe says something like "Happy Birthday, thought you might need these!"

Short and sweet! And I agree with Twinsie, he'll have your address so at least he'll know where you are.

Sara Strand said...

Shit, I'm with option C. I mean, you like him. You probably would date him again if you could. Why not send the update? ESPECIALLY if you suspect him & gf broke up. AND, put your parent's address on the envelope AND be sure to slip in the note that you moved, which is how you found these, etc.

And if you are really balls out- (which I totally would be here) I'd say something like, "Let's get some coffee sometime to catch up". What could it hurt?

Mr. Condescending said...

mail it, and spray some perfume on it! :P

Anonymous said...

Btw, I left you a surprise on my blog :)