Thursday, October 29, 2009

Back on the wagon

It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up - Vince Lombardi

I've had a few indifferent weeks on program-- hovering around my points target and drinking a few too many full-caloried drinks on the weekends. I'm not being gluttonous, but for my body type and what I want to accomplish, I'm not doing well.

I've also been so mentally exhausted at the end of each day that after the barn, I come home, eat supper, plop myself on the couch, and surf facebook or watch tv until bedtime. And I've been going to bed at like 8 or 9 because my body seems to need a tremendous amount of sleep these days.

So I'm going to Weight Watchers tonight and facing the mirror. Good, bad, or ugly. The money situation is starting to ease up slightly, so I'll definitley be allowing myself to buy a gym membership at the gym near work on Saturday-- using my sister's membership would be free, but it's so not feasible since it's in a completely different town not anywhere near my route home.

I just miss my old body. I miss feeling comfortable in my own skin, and I'm deathly afraid of sliding back to where I was before. I need to stop this runaway train in its tracks now....

My major problem is planning. As the old WW adage goes, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail....", especially when it comes to lunches. I often end up buying lunches at school, which are far from healthy.

So, Dear Readers, what do you bring for lunches at work?


michelle said...

yay for getting back into it. i plan every minute food detail when i can. i hounded me ex incessantly whenever he wanted to surprise me by cooking dinner or taking me out. (i hate surprises to begin with and being food blind unnerved me even more) everyone makes fun of me because i track EVERYTHING

for lunch? the last couple weeks ive had sandwiches. i love the pepperidge farm light wheat bread with low fat ham and cheese. im also using the weight watchers wheat but it's a bit drier than other brands. typically, i add an apple and a laughing cow wedge with crackers... lol all this sounds kinda boring as a meal, but it works for me

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!

For lunch I wither make a wrap sandwich of some sort- Turkey, Chicken Salad- or purposely make extra dinner the night before and eat leftovers.

Sara Strand said...

I'm going to be positive for you and not tell you what I eat. Because I am a horrible eater. But know that if it's in the 4 food groups, or pyramid- I don't eat it. :) LOL! I'm the PICKIEST eater you will ever know and I live on junk. Which is why I'm 182 pounds and 5'3. It blows.

BUT- since you are on a weight loss kick, I think you would really enjoy the book called "Such A Pretty Fat" by Jen Lancaster. I promise you that you will pee yourself laughing. It's great.

Twinsie Preggo said...

Pre-pg I usually ate homemade soup (beans, veggies, and some sort of whole grains- barley or quinoa usually, and a bag of frozen veggies go into the crockpot with spices) hummus and veggie wraps, or leftovers... and I snack on fruit and nut trail mix throughout the day... now it's pb&j or takeout... I can't wait to be able to eat normally again! :)

Eryn said...

I second the comment about the book by Jen Lancaster, ive been working on losing weight and I looved the book and I've lent it to many people who thought the same.