Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Trevor,

As I've written before, I've been writing letters to Trevor (not his real name), my ex of three years. One of these letters has been posted here. Since these letters are so completely different from the rest of the blog, I've started a new blog to post them to. Unlike this blog, which features details about the rest of my life and is characteristically a "20-something blog," this new blog, Letters I'll Never Send, is strictly the words that I wish I could send to Trevor. Even though we've broken up, he is still my best friend and the keeper of my heart. There are things that I experience that I want to tell him, but cannot. Obviously, at this point, emailing him these things would be detrimental to ever having another relationship. I started a notebook of letters, but I usually forget it at home. If you would like to read these Letters, I encourage you to surf on over to the new site.