Thursday, August 6, 2009

From the top of the pole, I watched her go down...

I love to exercise-- I'm very into my health and fitness level, even though I've neglected it in the past few months due to some intense stress. But I hate to "work out"-- I'm not a huge fan of running on the treadmill or doing the elliptical because I get mentally bored. So I try to do other activities or classes that get my heart rate up, and keeps me mentally engaged.

Inspired by the new show, Dance Your Ass Off, I signed up for pole fitness classes at D~L Fitness Studio in Worcester, MA. In addition, Jay* once asked me to learn how to do those moves....and even though he's not in my life, I figured it would be a good skill to learn while building confidence both in and out of the bedroom. And oh yeah, there's the weight loss component.

At my first class yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Studio was in a renovated warehouse that is now home to an upscale salon, and one of the most popular hot spots in Worcester. Danielle, the instructor, was a perky "normal sized" blonde who started the studio after returning to MA from California. In Cali, she said, pole fitness was all the rage, but there were no studios in her neck of the woods. So she started her own. Two other girls joined me, both "normal sized."

The class was run just like a regular dance or exercise class. The music she put on was club music, and it was extremely tasteful. Danielle led us in 10 minutes of stretching and ab work (I will be using her moves over the week to build up my strength), and then she started showing us the moves we would learn that night. I learned how to figure eight, sashay, glide, and the "fairy". The glide I can get, but the fairy is difficult because it requires you to hook your left leg around the pole, put your right leg behind it, and spin. I can handle it physically, but I have to mentally let myself go to get there. After we learned 1/4 of the routine, we did 10 minutes of cool down.

This morning my arms are burning! I'm looking forward to next week's class, though I might have to go practice with the support columns in my parents' basement!

Food for Comment: Do blog readers enjoy it when bloggers post pictures of themselves and their activities (like vacation pictures, purchases, etc) or do you find that annoying and narcisstic?

Also, what do you do to make yourself feel sexy?


Anonymous said...

I love, LOVE blogs with pictures! I am such a visual person that I often want to SEE what happened, not just read about it. I have been guilty of not even bothering to read blogs if I just see a huge block of text. I think that pictures make a blog come to life and most of my favorite blogs have them. Plus, a blog is narcissistic by nature. After all, you are assuming people care about your life. If people are going to read about you, then I am sure they would not mind the accompanying photos!

Unknown said...

Sounds like so much fun, I really need to get some motivation to exercise. I am going to look into these classes at my gym.

Dishwasher Wife said...

Blogs with pictures are always great.

As for pole dancing... that sounds like so much fun! A few of my friends took a class and loved it. I may have to try a class myself. Keep us updated!

Valerie said...

your blog has an awesome name. So naturally I had to check it out. I've done belly dancing before and that was fun, but there is sadly no strip aerobics in my area *tear.