Friday, August 28, 2009

"Fight clean. Fuck dirty"- Kevin Bacon

Went back to Weight Watchers yesterday for the first time in months. Because I happened to love one of the groups and leader I used to work with, I went to that meeting. My leader, Jan, was not there. Instead, she was replaced by this perky NEW leader. Weight Watchers members, past and present, out there can empathasize with me when I bemoan her newness.

New Weight Watcher leaders:
* are insanely perky.
* are usually new on Maintenence
* which follows that they cannot understand a Lifetime member's struggle to keep her weight off for life.
* look down on people who have have met their goal and bounced back--"rebounders"
* have no clue about the nuances of the program.

The above one bothers me the most. I KNOW program, inside and out. I had the privelege of working with leaders who knew program. My problem is I got cokcy with it and my old habits have sprung back. The Weight Watcher program extends beyond what you get in the book. Believe it or not, people find a way to bend the rules so they can eat more.


One of the most classic myths is adding Benefiber to high-calorie foods. The Points system is based on calories, fat, and fiber; the higher the fiber (up to 4 grams), the lower the points. So some quick thinking members decided to take Benefiber and add it to things like brownies. They then added the grams of fiber to the fiber already found in the brownie mix, and came up with a much lower number. That's false thinking.

When figuring out the Points for recipes, you find the Points value seperately for each ingredient, add them together, and then divide by the number of servings. You do not add all the  calories, fat, and fiber together. In the Fiberlicious Brownies above, you would have to consider the Benefiber as one ingredient and the brownie mix as another, and so on. There was even a Weight Watcher company memo on the trend

New, Perky Leader (NPL) had no clue about this rule. In fact, she congratulated the member on being "innovative" and finding new ways to be "satisfied physically and mentally." *groan*

I had to break her bubble. I raised my hand, announced that it was false, explained why, and turned back to her. Since the majority of the members there knew me as their receptionist, they had my back. She, however, was not too please with being schooled.

On the way back, I stopped off at the redemption center to reedem my cans.  I decided it was a great idea to do squats (!) from the box to the machine. I can't walk today.