Monday, August 24, 2009

Gotta go back, back to school!

It is a tradition in my family that my mother would wake my sister and I up on the first day of school by blasting this song from the movie Grease 2.

So in honor of all the teachers, students, and parents who begin school today or this week, enjoy this song from my family to yours.


Yeewuz said...

The only thing I remember from Grease 2 is "I want a cooool rider." Michelle Pfeiffer = so hot

Aurora said...

I totally agree! Didja know that that song is the basis of my dating standards?

MoonNStarMommy said...

Ha! I totally LOVE Grease and Grease 2.... it's often cause for concern when Hubby and I can be heard laughing throwing out lines to the "Reproduction" song... it's so fun having a teenager and watching him blush! I had to come note your note to my "My son is engaged" post way back when. LOL... He dated that girl for almost 2 years. She moved away this summer .. they only broke up two or three times for about a week or less each time. LOL... can't believe he's 13 now... Thanks for stopping by my blog and getting a kick out of it :)