Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Warning: Detour ahead

Dating after a long-term relationship is like taking a car trip to a familiar destination, only to find that the familiar road that you usually take has been washed out. You have many alternate routes to choose from, but you're not sure where each is going to eventually lead, what the scenery is going to be, and what the speed limit of each is. So you sit in the car, staring at the Detour sign, wondering if you could try to brave the washed out road. Is it worth the risk of getting lost? Should you just go back home?

I've been sitting at that crossroads for a long time, staring longingly at the closed off road, hoping, praying, and dreaming that the barriers will be magically lifted. I miss Trevor so much sometimes, but I've got to come to terms with the fact that, at least for now, I've lost him. Even though his family says that he is adrift without me, Trevor himself has not acknowledged that.

I've been talking to WorkFriend via text and AIM for a few hours every day since we met. WorkFriend will hereafter be known as Mustang since WorkFriend is just so impersonal. He’s a pretty interesting guy—as much as I hate to say it, Jay might have actually been right when he commented that we were compatible. He reads, listens to much the same music I do, and is actually pretty funny—though I can tell that he has spent time with Jay since he uses some of the same phrases Jay coined. He is of much stronger moral stock than Jay, and I’m kinda starting to crush. I think he’s interested especially since he texts me from work and initiates the text.

So my question now to my followers and lurkers (especially men) is this—how do you go from the talking on the phone stage to the actual DATE? It’s been such a long time since I actually dated—Jay and I hung out through mutual friends. I don’t want to ask him since, according to several reputable online sources (y’know, e-how) , a woman asking a guy out usually leads to a booty call relationships. What does one do?

Any and all advice is most welcome and appreciated!


Cyn said...

God I love your blog. Mostly bc I never know what I'm going to get. Your's is probably the only one I check on a daily basis and hope there is a posting. But again, mostly bc I never know what I'm going to be reading.

So. Yes. Text to date. So not hard. Next time you're texting or talking, mention coffee or a drink, etc. I'm sure he'll go for it. Mention it just being the two of you. It sounds like you guys are on the same page, so I doubt he'll turn you down. Plus, dating can be fine. (Minus the awkwardness!)

Keep us posted. I have so many questions...

Aurora said...

Thank you, Cyn! I am so excited to hear you say that! I honestly started believing that no one cared about my messed up love life with the ex-love (Trevor), the ex-lover (Jay), and the men that fall in the middle. I try to mix it up so people don't get tired of the drama in my life.

And as for questions, feel free to ask away! Maybe I'll do a Q&A session on tomorrow's blog. You can post or send them to pamela {at}

P said...

I can't really advise on this I'm afraid. The guy I'm currently seeing is someone I started talking to via facebook chat before we went out. BUT we knew each other from school; just hadn't seen each other in ten years. But even then it was really hard to actually go out on our first date...